
Showing posts from September, 2017

This page might not function correctly because either your browser does not support scripts or active scripting is disabled

Solution is to add the reports URL to local intranet. Open internet explorer as administrator and navigate to Tools –> Internet Options –> Security –> Local Intranet. Click Sites button. Add Reports URL (e.g. http://server/Reports or http://10.xx.xx.xx/Reports ) OK       OR Troubleshooting Steps: Below mentioned are the steps to resolve the above-mentioned error in SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services. 1. Click Start -> Right click Internet Explorer -> Select Run as Administrator from the drop-down list as shown in the snippet below. 2. In Internet Explorer -> Tools -> Internet Options . In the Internet Options dialog box; select Security Tab and then click on Sites button under Local Intranet as highlighted in the snippet below. 3. In Local Intranet dialog box; enter the Reports URL address as shown in the snippet below and then click Add button to add it to the websites. Click Close to exit and return to Internet Options dialog box and finally clic

Best practice for SSIS

Ø   Avoid copying from remote server window to local machine, SSIS package can get corrupted. Copy the SSIS Package from shared path location to local machine.   Ø   Maintain documentation and keep it updated for Column Mapping including Data Length and Data Type for Source and Destination   Ø   Use of handshaking table between Upstream-> Datamart (MS BI) -> Downstream applications   Ø   Use of SEND MAIL NOTIFICATION TASK in SSIS Package to inform about the Data loading/ cube processing start and finish to all concerned parties   Ø   Optimize the Query/ SP run time before placing/calling it in SSIS Package to improve performance   Ø   Use of intermediary table in case of huge data loads will ensure faster load and unaffected performance of target table   Ø   Use Sequence Container with TransactionOption property set as required in order to rollback a series of task if one task fails. Also, in case you want to start the failed package from point of failure, Enable C

SQL Server Running Jobs Time Elapsed status

CREATE TABLE #enum_job   (     Job_ID uniqueidentifier,     Last_Run_Date          INT,     Last_Run_Time          INT,     Next_Run_Date          INT,     Next_Run_Time          INT,     Next_Run_Schedule_ID   INT,     Requested_To_Run       INT,     Request_Source         INT,     Request_Source_ID      VARCHAR(100),     Running                INT,     Current_Step           INT,     Current_Retry_Attempt INT,     State                  INT   ) INSERT INTO   #enum_job EXEC master.dbo.xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs 1,   garbage SELECT,   R.last_run_date,   R.RunningForTime,   GETDATE()AS now FROM   #enum_job a INNER JOIN   (     SELECT,       J.JOB_ID,       ja.run_requested_date AS last_run_date,       (DATEDIFF(mi,ja.run_requested_date,GETDATE())) AS RunningFor,       CASE LEN(CONVERT(VARCHAR(5),DATEDIFF(MI,JA.RUN_REQUESTED_DATE,GETDATE())/60))         WHEN 1 THEN '0' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(5),DATEDIFF(mi,j