Power BI Report Server September 2021 Feature Summary
We’re excited to bring you a new version of Power BI Report Server this Fall! With the September 2021 update, we have a variety of new enhancements, including line charts improvements, new formatting options for buttons, small multiples new feature, and the new Model View. Please continue to read on! Here’s a complete list of the updates: Reporting Area chart transparency sliders Inner padding for continuous axes Small multiples new feature Conditional formatting for assorted visuals Customize shape formatting Line chart improvements X-axis constant line improvements Line chart series labels New formatting options for buttons Toggle total columns in waterfall charts Modeling New Model View New way of expressing Date and DateTime values Shortcut expression for CALCULATE now supports aggregation functions New parameter for XIRR function Making it easier to format based on a user’s locale Evaluation configuration settings Paginated Reports New version of Power BI R...