The report server cannot process the report. The data source connection information has been deleted. (rsInvalidDataSourceReference)

1. go to Report Manager(http://<servername>/reports/pages/Folder.aspx)

2. Click on the Folder in which u have reports

3. U will be directed into contents tab where u will find Show Details at the right top corner

4. Click on Show Details

5. Check in the particular report and click the edit button corresponding to it

6. Go to the properties tab and click on it

7. U will find a menu on left hand side, click on Data Sources link

8. There u will find radio button selected for A share data source (by default) and a browse button.

9. Click on the browse button u will find the tree structure of the data source and the reports folder.

10. select the data source in the data source folder and select OK.

by this way u will be able to point the report to the data source.


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