MVP Global Summit 2021

 The 2021 MVP Global Summit will be a 100% virtually delivered experience, taking place the week of March 29, 2021.

Product Groups will host core technical sessions Monday - Wednesday (March 29 - March 31, 2021). On Thursday, April 1, some Product Group members will host an optional half-day of additional sessions and office hours where you can continue conversations and networking with Microsoft PG's.

The RD Summit will take place the following week, April 7-8, 2021.

The MVP Global Summit is an exclusive multi-day event for all active MVPs and Regional Directors (RDs). MVPs and RDs must have a signed Non-Disclosure Agreement on file in order to participate in the event. The MVP Global Summit features a large catalog of in-depth technical discussions and feedback sessions (offered only in English).

Link :MVP Global Summit


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