Power BI Dev Camp: Thursday 28 April 2022 at 11:00 AM PDT

This Dev Camp session teaches developers how to leverage Power BI embedding features for report authoring and customization.

Campers will learn how to create a self-service authoring experience using the Power BI report designer by embedding reports in edit mode. Campers will also learn how to program the Power BI JavaScript Authoring API to automate the process of adding pages and visuals to an existing report.

Along the way, this session will also explore other report customization techniques such as using custom bookmarks, custom report layouts, and custom report themes.

What Campers will learn:
• Embed reports in edit mode to enable self-service customization
• Allow users to create new reports and to clone existing reports
• Add new visuals to report pages using the Power BI JavaScript Authoring API
• Use custom bookmarks to capture personalized report settings
• Customize visual appearance using custom report layouts

Attendee Prerequisites: Campers should have basic knowledge of developing with Power BI embedding and programming with the Power BI JavaScript API.

Click here! to join us at Power BI Dev Camp on Thursday 28 April 2022 at 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM noon PDT.


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