Power BI August 2022 Feature Summary

Welcome to the August 2022 update. Can you imagine it’s the last month of summer already? We are excited to announce a variety of new features such as the conditional formatting for data labels, new “Select sensitivity label” dialog, data loss prevention policy update and DAX editor improvements. There is more to explore, please continue to read on.

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Data connectivity and preparation

Mobile apps




Check out the video below for this month’s summary:


Conditional formatting for data labels

When we first brought conditional formatting for data labels to Power BI Desktop last year, the scope at which Power BI evaluated your conditional formatting rules was based on the full aggregate of the field across the whole visual, rather than at each data point. This caused all data labels in the visual to come out to the same color. We’ve since heard your feedback that this behaviour isn’t intuitive, and we’re making some changes this month and next to bring conditional formatting for data labels to be more in line with what you expect.

First, this month, conditional formatting on data labels for visuals with one or more measures and no field in the legend field well will now evaluate for data points. This example shows data labels for sales from this year colored blue if sales grew above a certain threshold over last year, or red if they didn’t:

You can find the conditional formatting options for these labels in the formatting pane, under Data labels > Values > Color. You can set conditional formatting rules for all measures or for individual measures. Formatting set on individual measures takes precedence, so if you’ve explicitly set a color for data labels on all measures and add a conditional formatting rule for just one, the conditional formatting rule will apply to that measure.

The conditional formatting rules for data labels that you’ve already set on current reports will not be affected. This is good for preserving backward compatibility, but not good for getting the per-datapoint “correct” behavior out to authors. You can get the new behavior simply by editing your report on this version of Power BI and reapplying the color conditional formatting rule onto your relevant data labels.

In a coming release, we’ll be bringing this same behavior to visuals where you also have a field in the Legend field well. We found a critical bug preventing us from shipping the whole feature to you this month, but we decided to at least get one half of it out to you early. In anticipation of the rest of this update, we’re removing the conditional formatting button from the formatting pane for data labels in cases where you have a measure grouped by a legend field. We’re doing this to prevent more users from setting up the “wrong” conditional formatting rules, since as we mentioned, we try our best to preserve prior functionality for existing reports.

Look out for more improvements to visuals and visual formatting in future releases! Now that we’ve brought error bars to general availability, our visuals team has some exciting items lined up for you, and we can’t wait for you to get your hands on them!

New “Select sensitivity label” dialog

For tenants requiring sensitivity labels on their reports, we now allow creators to set the sensitivity label directly from the save flow. Previously the dialog would be a message re-directing the user to find and use the ribbon dropdown instead. This new dialog helps save creators time searching for the sensitivity labels settings in the ribbon to complete their save.

Data loss prevention policy update

As some of you already know, we released Microsoft Purview DLP policies for Power BI to public preview earlier this year.

DLP policies enable you to better control the sensitive information managed in your Power BI tenant, as well as comply with governmental or industry regulations, such as GDPR (the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation).

This month, we’re introducing the ability for Power BI users to provide feedback on the policy rules evaluating their datasets.

In the dataset’s detail page, you will now be able to see all the policy rules that have been detected for this dataset. A side panel will appear with a card

representing each and every rule. On top of viewing all the matched rules, data owners will be able to take action if they believe the data was falsely identified.

Based on how the policy rule was configured, you will be able to see one or a combination of these actions:

  • Report an issue: Report the issue as a false positive (meaning that the policy has mistakenly identified non-sensitive data as sensitive, for example).
  • Override: Override the policy. Overriding a policy means that this policy will no longer evaluate this particular dataset. Depending on the policy configuration, you may be required to provide a justification for the override.
  • Report and override: Report the issue as a false positive and override the policy.

We’ve provided Power BI users with these tools so that they can provide insight on the datasets met with rules defined by the Security Admins in Microsoft Purview Compliance Portal and help create a built-in line of communication to ensure smooth operation on both teams.

Metric visual

We are thrilled to announce that Metric visual is now available in Desktop! This visual provides a huge level of flexibility in integrating metrics into your Power BI reporting solutions. You can now include individual metrics instead of the entire scorecard and create report pages showcasing metrics alongside other visuals, in the context of the rest of the report data.

You can either create a new metric or add a metric from an existing scorecard as a visual in the report.

You can create a metric by either entering values or connecting to data in reports you have access to.

You can view notes, perform check-ins, set up rules on this metric just like on a regular scorecard.

You can also format the metric visual to the look and feel of the rest of the report and it is configurable with options to turn the individual metric elements (such as targets, owner etc.) on/off.

Mobile formatting now supports text box visuals

In this release, we’ve extended mobile formatting to support text box visuals. Now when you add a text box to the mobile canvas, you can change its format settings to best suit the mobile-optimized view you’re creating.



DAX Editor improvements

We have been working hard on improving the DAX editing experience after we changed some core components at the end of last year. By now we feel we have fixed the most common issues, particularly related to suggestions. Please reach out if you are still encountering issues compared to the way it used to work.

Data connectivity and preparation


MariaDB (Connector Update)

The MariaDB connector has been updated to resolve customer-reported bugs at Issues · mariadb-corporation/mariadb-powerbi (github.com).

Google Sheets (Connector Update)

The Google Sheets connector has been updated to include a direct link to Google Sheets documentation.

Certified connectors availability in Power BI dataflows and datamarts

80+ additional data sources (all certified connectors) are now available in the Power Query Online experience for use in Power BI dataflows and datamarts. This means that Power BI dataflows and datamarts creators have the option to connect to many more data sources in Power Query Online experiences, similar to Power BI Desktop today.

Notable additions:

  • Anaplan
  • Asana
  • Azure Databricks and Databricks
  • Denodo
  • Dremio
  • Google Sheets
  • HexagonSmartAPI
  • MariaDB
  • Palantir Foundry
  • Planview Projectplace
  • Starburst Enterprise
  • SurveyMonkey

Mobile apps


Follow metrics from your mobile app

Now you can follow metrics directly from the mobile app and keep up to date with the activity on those metrics. To start following a metric, just tap More options (…) on a metric’s card in the Metrics hub or in the metric’s details pane and choose Follow metric.

To view all the metrics you’re following, select Following in the Metrics display list accessible from the Metrics hub. It makes no difference whether the metric was marked for following in the Power BI service or in the mobile app – you’ll see them all. Likewise, in the Power BI service you’ll also be able to see all your followed metrics – including those that you started following from the mobile app.



Introducing a new way to manage, enforce and transact licenses for Power BI visuals

At Inspire last month, we announced a key feature for AppSource visuals: now you can sell, manage, and enforce licenses directly through the commercial marketplace!

Use our new licensing API, available with API version 4.7 and July release of Desktop, to enforce the license and provide a unique standardized licensing experience for customers.



New visuals in AppSource

The following are new visuals this update:


Editor’s pick of the quarter


Drill Down Combo Bar PRO by ZoomCharts

Drill Down Combo Bar PRO offers a uniquely wide selection of customization options, letting creators build the widest selection of charts from a single custom visual. Build everything from regular bar charts to box and whisker plots. This visual also offers powerful cross-chart filtering capabilities combined with intuitive on-chart interactions.


  • Multiple chart types – choose between column, line, and area charts
  • Full customization – customize X and Y axes, the legend, stacks, clusters, tooltips, outline and fill settings
  • Stacking and clustering – choose normal, 100% proportional, or zero-based stacking
  • Customize up to 25 series
  • Static and dynamic thresholds – set up to 4 thresholds to demonstrate targets or benchmarks
  • Take customization to the next level with conditional formatting
  • Use series defaults and value labels defaults to customize multiple series simultaneously
  • Tooltip field support
  • Multi-touch device friendly – get the same experience on mouse and touch input devices


  • Sales and marketing – sales strategies, sales results, and campaign-by-campaign marketing metrics
  • Human resources – hiring, overtimes and efficiency ratios by department
  • Accounting and finance – financial performance by region, office, or business line
  • Manufacturing – production efficiencies and quality metrics by product line

ZoomCharts Drill Down Visuals are known for their interactive drilldowns, smooth animations, and rich customization options. They are mobile friendly and support: interactions, selections, custom and native tooltips, filtering, bookmarks, and context menu.

Inforiver charts

Inforiver charts is the fastest way explore, visualize and share performance management insights in Power BI. Using 40+ advanced visualization options, users can build data stories in minutes and share actionable performance insights through an intuitive no-code user experience (UX).

Key Highlights:

  • Performance management visualizations for both comparative and non-comparative measures with integrated variances in a single click. Variances for the prior year, budget and forecast data are calculated automatically.
  • Exploratory analysis with contextual drill-down, drill-up and drill-across navigation across multiple dimensions
  • Storytelling and data-point annotations to tell compelling stories using dynamic data-level annotations. Supports small-multiples, flexible text orientation, and more
  • Advanced small multiples / Trellis to analyze across various data categories in a single click with highly responsive layouts, context-based titles, analytics, and comments.
  • Integrated KPI Cards with multiple conditional formatted KPI Metrics, benchmarks & variances
  • Most voted features: Rich feature set which includes mostly requested capabilities in Power BI Idea place and Power BI user community, such as
    • Measure-driven data labels
    • Stacked waterfall chart
    • Gradient Line chart
    • …and more

Inforiver is certified by International Business Communication Standards (IBCS) and available in AppSource to try and buy.


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